C3 Church Atlanta Online

C3 Church Atlanta Online

What’s Your Mark? - Week 10 : Part 2 - When Jesus Is In The House

March 09, 2014

There are three types of people who affected the outcome of the miracle of the paralytic: the friends, the religious, and Jesus. The friends—the four men who carried the paralytic to Jesus—dared to do the outrageous to get their friend to Christ. Some scholars believe it took up to 30 minutes to dig through the roof. That is determination! They knew that if they got their friend to Jesus, he would be healed. Are we that bold? The religious crowd was not; they muttered their complaints. Jesus called them out for them. Religious people grumble when God does things that are outside their understanding of Him. God cannot be boxed in; He is too big for that. Do we box God in? Jesus never did. Jesus was both man and God; He understands the emotional rollercoaster that goes along with praying for people or talking about His Father and salvation. He knew, experienced, and understood it all; however, He did not back down. Jesus never apologized for anything. He knew who He was, He knew what He was called to do, and He knew He and God would see it through.

For more on this miracle, check out whatsyourmark.org
