Build Your Own BrandCast

Build Your Own BrandCast

Build Your Own Brandcast S2 E7: Brand Touchpoints

February 27, 2017

Welcome back to the Build Your Own BRANDcast! Today we’ll talk about Brand Touchpoints and discuss its role in strengthening your brand identity, building customer loyalty, and even boosting productivity among your employees.
We will identify the 4 Brand Touchpoints and what customer interactions fit into each, as well as explore the impact of each on your customers and your organization. Controlling your Brand Touchpoints is essential to creating a strong brand identity.

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What are Brand Touchpoints? Simply put, a brand touchpoints are points where anybody comes into contact with your brand. This can happen internally –inside your company or organization– or externally –with your customers. One of the most ubiquitous examples of a brand touchpoint that anyone can easily identify is the business card. The business card is often the first interaction between a brand and its customers. It’s the first opportunity a brand has to convey how they want to be perceived.
What are internal touchpoints and external touchpoints?
Internal touchpoints are brand interactions within your organization. Many companies overlook how their brand is perceived by their teams, a mistake that can slow down progress. A strong internal touchpoint can ensure that everyone understands the brand and can help them to work in sync.
External touchpoints are brand interactions with your customers. Between the two, the external touchpoints must be prioritized. Not controlling your external touchpoints can leave your brand open to interpretation, giving your customers a bleary image of who you are as a brand and what services or products you offer.
Why is it important to identify and control Brand Touchpoints?
Brand Touchpoints project brand image. They must be kept as strong as possible in order to communicate consistency and clarity to your customers –two things that most brands nowadays lack.
Each touchpoint must be optimized for the greatest effect on whoever it comes to contact with. (04:25) If you don’t control your brand touchpoints, they control you. If you don’t manage the public’s perception of you brand, you put yourself at a great risk. This can degrade your brand and your brand’s promise. (8:00)
Keep in mind: brand touchpoints must always create a positive experience. Work brand touchpoints into your strategy early on. Understand what works. After all, you don’t want to miss an opportunity to connect with your customers.
The 4 Brand Touchpoints
Pre-Purchase touchpoints
Any point of interaction before a customer buys your product or service. This could be your website, your social media handles, your marketing strategies, and ads.
Purchase touchpoints
These are points of interaction after the customer has already decided to purchase. It is one of the aspects least tended to by a lot of businesses. Branding integration is usually poor at this touchpoint which is sad considering that this is the point where you can differentiate your brand.Purchase touchpoints is basically the delivery of your product or service. This includes the presentation of the product/s...
