The ButtonClick Admin Podcast | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

The ButtonClick Admin Podcast  | For Salesforce Admins, Developers, and Executives

Admin with Developer Tendencies with Jennifer Bennett

October 08, 2015

This week we talk to Jennifer Bennett who is a Salesforce Admin/Developer, WI WIT Developer Mentor, RAD Women Coach, and new blogger. She has been working on the platform since early 2012 and although it is not her primary job function, it is her preferred. Jennifer was part of an amazing panel at Dreamforce and is super active in the Wisconsin Salesforce community. Be sure to stay till the end to hear what question she would ask Marc on the podcast.

Be sure to connect with Jennifer on twitter at @Jennyjbennett

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Our special so-host this week is LeeAnne Templeman. LeeAnne is a fellow Evangelist at Salesforce. She is working to elevate Admins by giving them advanced techniques such as learning coding skills and understanding how to leverage all the tools Salesforce provides. LeeAnne is our resident #DemoMaster- leading the Lightning Launch demo and the Admin Keynote demos. You can follow LeeAnne on twitter at @Leeandroid


We want to get Marc Benioff on the podcast and we need your help! In every podcast episode this year we have asked guests "What is the one question you would ask Marc?" and we have amassed an amazing amount of questions. So tweet your questions, support, etc using the hashtag #ButtonClickBenioff to help us get Marc on the podcast.
We want to remind you that if you love what you hear, or even if you don't head on over to iTunes and give us a review. It's super easy to do and it really helps more Admins find the podcast. Plus, we would really appreciate it.
