The Butter and Bacon Podcast

The Butter and Bacon Podcast

BB Episode 005: The real cause of heart attacks

January 07, 2015

This is episode 5 of the Butter and Bacon podcast: The real cause of heart attacks. During this episode, host, Heathar Shepard, reveals 2 key blind beliefs about the etiology of heart attacks, including several studies that back her findings. She also reveals specific foods that help to rectify and prevent heart attacks. Heathar also talks about the benefits of nourishing nutrition and foods similar to the paleo diet and their correlation to heart health. Heathar's podcast episodes are truly dynamic. She speaks candidly, honestly, and passiionately about nutrition, medicine, and diet. This is a show too juicy to pass up! New episodes of Butter and Bacon are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings at 5am EST.
