Fearless Business Podcast

Fearless Business Podcast

Episode 105: Hope

March 19, 2020

Here we are. The pandemic has hit and that’s news to no one. But what does that mean for each of us as we figure this whole quarantine thing out?
Jamie and Mary are both from Hoboken and they are talking about what it all looked like for them as the last week played out. Don’t worry, they’ve seen good things come from this already. 
The ladies are going to cover the good, the bad and the ugly and provide you with resources to go with it. Listen to this week’s episode to learn more along with fun events and ways to support each other.
> Cincinnati Zoo will be holding daily Facebook Live Events featuring a new animal and a kid’s activity to go along with it. Each day at 3pm EST / 12pm PST.
> Sugarsuckle, a local bakery in Hoboken, has offered baking kits to pick up and take home to do with your family. Jamie and Mary had a blast decorating these delicious cookies over the holidays

> Go browse some food and travel bloggers. They don’t need you to buy anything, the website traffic and clicking on the ads on their pages will help bring them some income during this time. We’ve listed a few of our favorites below.
> The girls talk about how to think outside the box to maximize your innovation, while your in-person business is currently closed to the public.
> Stay positive. Have hope. Stay as social as you can, while social distancing yourselves. Listen to some positive podcasts like the Be Real Podcast or scroll through some more positive Instagram feeds like Tank’s Good News feed.
And many more insightful and motivational tips from the frontlines! 
Please join us in the HQ and tell us… what are you doing during quarantine? Do you have some favorite shows we should all binge-watch now? And please - drop a cool website in the comments that we can click on to give people a little ad revenue. 
Don’t forget - we’re here if you need us. 
Stay tuned for next week’s Hope Part II!
As always, please subscribe to the FearLess Business Podcast wherever you listen, and we are always eternally grateful for a review. 
Our favorite Blogs for you to check out:
Whiskey + Sunshine
A Dangerous Business
Kiss My Tulle
Ashley & Company
Stuffed Suitcase
Clumps of Mascara
Houseful of Nicholes
Tech Savvy Mama
