BCN News

BCN News

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The Many Ways to Integrate an Acquisition
October 16, 2023

Acquisition integrations are when the parent company takes over the target (acquired business), right?Well not exactly. There are different approaches used to merge, or integrate an acquisition. Heres an overview of them, looking at it from our special

Communication Planning for SMB Integrations
October 08, 2023

Youve completed an acquisition, have an integration plan ready to go, and Day One has arrived: youre ready to tell the world about the deal and the bright new future. Lets tell everyone, right?Not so fast not everyone wants to hear the same message.

I’ve Just Bought a Company – Now What?
September 18, 2023

When you acquired a business, you had an intention, a strategy, of what you wanted to do with it. For example, you wanted take advantage of a very specialized team and the product that they develop, so that you can increase sales revenue. Acquiring a busi

Start Your Sales Engines
August 24, 2023

Karl talks about the importance of pre-qualifying your sales prospects, and creating intelligent lead campaigns to maximize your closing efficiencies

Integration Is The Key
August 02, 2023

Business Resources in Rural America - Where Are They?
March 22, 2023

In this weeks segment, Karl talks to Terry Toomey on the status of business resources that are designed to help businesses grow and thrive, especially in rural America.
