Building Community Today Podcast

Building Community Today Podcast

A Push towards anarchism, just let people be happy #96

May 22, 2017

May 22, 2017 Ep 96 A Push towards anarchism, just let people be happy.
The Block size debate rages on and we get some valuable perspective from CryptoSkim. A push towards anarchism, because of morons! What pushes your political beliefs? The douche canoes with unshakable belief that everyone needs to be forced to live like them moves me, just in the opposite direction they wanted. An impressive feat by CA in their energy production.
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 A Push towards anarchism because we hate thought extremists like ISIS

Homestead animal of the Day: Polish Chicken.
Crypto-currency market

Transfer your currency quick and cheap over at & support the show while doing it.

Do you like your privacy? Me too, so get a VPN like me & protect your data.
The block size debate with Bitcoin, from CryptoSkim
Happily unmarried couple got a 3rd wheel and everyone wants to hate. This is the stuff that pushes me towards anarchism.
Renewable energy in CA. A great expense to tax payers, but a great accomplishment none the less.

If you’ve got questions or comments, want to see something specific covered, or want to come on and join the conversation, give me a shout at Josh at BuildingCommunity.Today
If you’re looking for a way to protect & grow freedom, mitigate the state as much as possible, live near and work with like-minded people, I’m looking for you. We’re building a community with an agricultural center-piece that will contain small home lots, but will be a community designed with intent. This is to be a neighborhood where you know & talk to your neighbors
