Building Community Today Podcast

Building Community Today Podcast

How to protect your privacy from your ISP & what is it? #88

May 10, 2017

May 10, 2017 Ep 88 How to protect your privacy from your ISP & what is it?
How to protect your privacy from your ISP & what is an ISP? Ever wonder what it takes to run a VPN, or why you would even want to? Try ExpressVPN, I did and it’s SUPER easy! Does it make sense to mine altcoins, or Bitcoin for that matter? John Oliver hits the nail right on the head! We dig into Wikileaks VS. NPR, the lying media, a bit on vaccines, and a TON of perves going down. I hope they’re all viciously raped in prison. Just another symptom of the nanny state owning our kids. Freedom of speech just isn’t acceptable in Oklahoma.
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How to protect your privacy from you ISP & what is an ISP?

Homestead animal of the Day: White Leghorn Chicken.
Stuff you can eat, in the woods, Burdock.
