Building Community Today Podcast

Building Community Today Podcast

Developer Startup/homebased cook wanted & economic shift#87

May 09, 2017

May 09, 2017 Ep 87 Developer Startup/home based cook wanted & economic shift
Who else is tired of getting crap for food & paying too much for it? Looking for home-based cooks & might want a look into a developer startup. How about a change in dining, the experience, the food, and who we pay! LiteCoin, what about it? L2, while I don’t agree w/ their politics, has a hilarious weekly take on market forces. No more stolen money by the government, in some cases. Republicans aren’t the devil, this person was just being a bonehead. Flint has lost its GD mind!!! Key take away, don’t live in a city, especially a dying one. No, we’re not sending SF to N. Korea, that’s wacko, just like California.
Donate through Patreon or, SIgn-up for the occasional newsletter about special happenings and GIVEAWAYS. We’ve got a Ledge Nano on the block now. WIN A LEDGER NANO!!!
Developer Startup

Homestead animal of the Day: Buff Minorca  Chicken.
Stuff you can eat, in the woods. How about Black Berries of course!!!
Crypto-currency market

Transfer your currency quick and cheap over at & support the show while doing it.

2 Factor Authentication isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
Why LiteCoin?

How about privacy and anonymity!

At least the government isn’t “allowed” to steal your money anymore, in some cases…
Before you lose your mind because you hate all Republicans, hear me out.
Ok, now you
