Building Community Today Podcast

Building Community Today Podcast

Homesteading Cost, is it for you? Need more farms-EP55 Pt 2

March 24, 2017

Mar 23, 2017 Ep 55 Part 2 of The real homesteading cost, and is it for you or your family?
Today we get into Part 2 of the things you might want to think about & discuss with your family before you jump into homesteading. We also look at the fear mongers saying we’ll starve. Lessons to be learned from Denmark, but don’t fall for the fear. The games behind all debate are what keep us divided, especially on the border problem & Canadians agree. Then we see some accountability for a Dallas cop.
We get into topics plaguing you in your daily life from a practical direction. No need to listen to an endless loop of radicals. The major network tout insane rhetoric, but have no solutions. They drone on about things which you have no control over and simply raise your blood pressure. Let’s find solutions we can live with!
If you’ve got questions or comments, want to see something specific covered, or want to come on and join the conversation, give me a shout at Josh at BuildingCommunity.Today

Support the show & protect yourself and family.

Pig of the day: Tokyo-X Pig
Part 2 – Some things to think about before you dig into homesteading too much.

Why do you want to do it?

Love of animals?
Love of growing food?
Need more food, soon!?!?

Denmark cuts its foreign debt & lessons we can learn from it.
More than half of Canadians want rid of border jumpers. Are they evil too?
Dallas cop held accountable, really?

The real cost of homesteading to you & your family. Is it what you thought and are you ready for the struggle?
We’re all tired of the do nothing SJWs, the various departments of making you sad, and the blue hairs ruining our lives. Nobody cares about your freedom more than you. We’re banding together to repeal & replace HOAs. We aim to protect and grow freedom by Building 1 community at a time.
If you’re looking for a way to protect & grow freedom, mitigate the state as much as possible, live near and work with like-minded people, I’m looking for you. We’re building a community with an agricultural center-piece that will contain small home lots, but will be a community designed with intent. This is to be a neighborhood where you know & talk to your neighbors, do business with them and look out for one another’s property and family. If you like this sort of thing check out www.BuildingCommunity.Today and be a part of this community as we build a bigger, better one for tomorrow.
