Building Community Today Podcast

Building Community Today Podcast

Homemade vinegar, Cheese listeria, Bernie hates corps Ep48

March 14, 2017

Homemade vinegar, Cheese listeria, Bernie hates corps Ep48
Today’s Shows:
Today we get into homemade vinegar,  some stats on typical pig growing, soft cheese killing people w/ listeria, food safety not being what it’s cracked up to by media, home-made flavored vinegar, and the Big Bern[ie] Sanders trying to burn the corporations not paying more.
We discuss the topics plaguing us in our daily lives in a practical approach. No need to listen to an endless loop of radicals on the major network touting insane rhetoric, but having no solutions, they drone on about things which you have no control over and simply raise your blood pressure.
If you’ve got questions or comments, want to see something specific covered, or want to come on and join the conversation, give me a shout at Josh at BuildingCommunity.Today
Support the show & protect yourself and family.
We dig into

Today in History brought to you by the awesome
Pig of the day: Oxford Sandy and Black
Some stats on raising pigs and why you might want to pasture raise pork
A soft cheese killing people, some important lessons
Listeria is a real threat and killer
Food safety is a ploy, small scale is the safest, if you make it be.
Home made flavored vinegar
Corporations won’t feel this burn, but the Big Bern(ie) is pushing legislation anyway

Crooked Ag Secretary nominee?
Urban sprawl, well it’s not really a problem anymore in most areas, thanks to the great recession.

Nobody cares about your freedom more than you. Let’s protect and grow freedom by Building 1 community at a time because we all want to do good things with good people.

If you’re looking for a way to protect & grow freedom, mitigate the state as much as possible, live near and work with like-minded people, I’m looking for you. We’re building a community in Eastern Tennessee with an agricultural center-piece that will contain small home lots, but will be a community designed with intent. You absolutely should know your neighbors and talk to them. You absolutely should do business with them and you absolutely should look out for one another’s property and family.

Arbitration will be the first step in ANY disagreement here and nobody will contact the cops or government unless there is a threat to life, limb or eyesight. Bottom line, we don’t want or need the department of making you sad coming to bug us because your neighbor’s music was too loud. Grow up and address the situation like an adult or call a neighbor who will step in. If this sounds like it might be for you, let’s talk more.
If you like this sort of thing check out www.BuildingCommunit
