Beyond The Game

Beyond The Game

Beyond The Game - 11/22/2019

November 23, 2019

Benson and Barletta discuss recent sports controversies such as the suspension of Cleveland Browns' Myles Garrett and the change in workout details for Colin Kaepernick. Benson says his biggest issue is how predictable people's opinions are based on race and/or favorite team and gives some biblical thoughts on thinking well and not being influenced by anything apart from the Word of God. Plus in the 'Shenanigans' segment, Zac wonders if Garrett's suspension is appropriate; if Alabama QB Tua Tagovailoa's injury will cause him to slip out of the first round of next year's NFL draft; and if those involved in the alleged Astros' cheating scandal should be banned from baseball. And of course, there is something encouraging from the world of sports in the 'You Like That' segment.
