Beyond The Game

Beyond The Game

Beyond The Game - 10/25/2019

October 26, 2019

It's a 'highlights show' as the guys take a week off and air some segments from previous broadcasts. First, back on the August 9th broadcast, which was just prior to the Major League Baseball trade deadline, Benson and Barletta discussed expectations. Is it fair to expect more from clubs like the New York Yankees, the Boston Red Sox, or in other sports the Los Angeles Lakers or Dallas Cowboys? There seems to be different standards for clubs like the Detroit Lions or San Diego Padres. As a believer in Christ, I wonder if we approach each new day with great expectations of what God can, and may do? The next segment is from the September 20th show. The guys talk about how that, despite playing with the same sets of rules, some teams are able to enjoy sustained success while others seemingly always seem to struggle. We then segue into a biblical perspective on sustaining a strong walk of faith.
