Bros Bibles & Beer

Bros Bibles & Beer

Latest Episodes

129. Thomas Jay Oord Returns! (What God Can't Do in a Pandemic)
April 24, 2020

N.T. Wright wrote a thoughtful piece in Time about how Christianity offers no answers to Covid19. Thomas Jay Oord offered his own thoughtful response to N.T. Wright about how Christians can lament and explain in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic.

128. Brovids Bibles & Beer
April 18, 2020

God caused Covid19 to get you off the treadmill of life?!?!? And what does agape love even mean? We thought it meant "other focused self-emptying love". But after Scott gets done with it, well...

127. Red Pill Blue Pill
April 13, 2020

Life lessons from The Matrix. "Red pill" life moments for each of us conversed over. Listener feedback.

126. Quarantainment
April 02, 2020

It's the BBB outdoors! Now with 100% more bird chirps and the occasional spit-take. Divorce inquiries on the rise, condom supplies are low. Apparently everyone quarantines differently. Can God stop Covid19?

125. God Saves Bibles, Not People
March 19, 2020

Brief, already outdated, maybe inappropriate covid-19 talk. And in this episodes edition of "Who the F Tweeted This S", a Christian leader marvels at the idea that God (he thinks) preserved copies of the bible from the tornado in Nashville.

124. Laughing Alone
March 19, 2020

Jeff has a health scare. Scott rehydrates with Bud Light. And we respond to a listener question: Why do we laugh when we're around others, but not so much by ourselves?

123. Multitasking Whilst Speaking in Tongues is Tough
February 12, 2020

A pastor is caught scrolling through his phone while speaking in tongues. Expert multi-tasker? Answering prayer request texts in real time? Is speaking in tongues an actual thing people should be doing?

122. Kobe Reactions, Demonic Miscarriages & Why Do We Even Pray
February 05, 2020

Kobe Bryant death reactions. And Donald Trump spiritual advisor Paula White's now viral prayer against demonic pregnancies (huh?) leads to a convo on prayer and what it is and isn't good for.

121. Bart Ehrman's Revelation, One Million Moms Against the D-Word
January 23, 2020

Noted New Testament scholar and agnostic atheist Bart Ehrman had a revelation about "God" and One Million Moms protest the profanity of Burger King. Also Scott and Tony Robbins have something in common.

120. Keith Giles is Making Jesus Great Again
December 27, 2019

Fake money that online auto-givers can place in the offering basket, a family prays for their 2 year olds resurrection & Keith Giles on his provocative call to introduce Christians to Jesus. And why, in his view the doctrine of eternal torment is done.
