Bro Council Podcast: News|Sports|Humor

Bro Council Podcast: News|Sports|Humor

Michelle Viscusi of Top Shot Interview

March 15, 2013

If you’re a guy, there is a good chance you’ve watched Top Shot on the History Channel. What The Bachelor is to women, Top Shot is to men. A bunch of people get together to shoot things, and the best shooter wins $100,000. Alright, so it’s not much like The Bachelor, but they probably have about the same rate of successful marriages (0% is my estimate for both).
Last year we interviewed Jake Zweig from Season 3. He is a pretty controversial guy, and the interview was popular with our readers. This year we took a different approach…we decided to interview a beautiful woman who shot guns on Season 4. Meet Michelle Viscusi. Oh yeah, she is also in the Army and is a fun interview too. Bonus.
You can check out our podcast of the interview for the audio.

