Bringing Business to Retail

Bringing Business to Retail

Latest Episodes

Using Black Friday To Uncover What Customers Are Going To Buy
October 19, 2023

If you dont have a game plan for the holiday shopping period, youre leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table - and theres NO chance for a do-over. With so much doom and gloom in the media

Money Is Just A Story - And You Get To Write The Next Chapter - Wayne Richard
October 12, 2023

I cant believe I got to interview a guy who looks like The Rock, only to find that his whole background was JUST like the Rock in Ballers - only instead of NFL players, hes helping eCommerce busines

4 Leadership Mistakes I Find Myself Repeating
October 06, 2023

It's 7:59 am, and I'm just about to hop on to our daily team meeting. Our meetings are pretty light-hearted, we share a joke, walk through issues that have come up and review what's happened over the

Creating A Profitable Paid Ads Strategy For Black Friday/Cyber Monday And Through To Christmas - Ming Kang Chen and Sam Thompson
September 29, 2023

How prepared are you for the upcoming spend-fest that is the holiday season? Are your advertising and marketing campaigns ready? Or are you just going to rely on what youve always done (hint: thats

Ashley's $60,000 Cash Flow Boost - Ashley Stewart
September 22, 2023

Who doesn't want a sale? As a consumer, its always a yes! But as a business owner, its usually a no. But there will sometimes come a time that you need to get rid of your stock and get that cashflow b

How Cynthia Made $17500 In Sales In Just 5 Hours
September 15, 2023

Who doesn't want to make $17,500 in just 5 hours? Listen to one of our conversations over at the recent The Retail Academy Live and find out how Cynthia made this happen!

The Simple Question To Answer Your Biggest Hiring Decision
September 08, 2023

Have I ever told you the story about how I hired someone to work in my shop, and about a year later, found out shed started her own online business the week after she got the job in my store.....esse

Your Great Ideas Are Running Your Business Into The Ground
August 22, 2023

Last week, I had the opportunity to talk with a fabulous retailer in New Zealand about her business. She was doing well... She had significantly increased revenue since purchasing the business... Sh

How You Can Use AI To Streamline Your Retail/Ecom Store - Josh Bachynski
August 04, 2023

Want to know how to reclaim hours of your work life and get stuff done FAST (and even on autopilot?) In this episode, you'll learn from one of the founders of AI, Josh Bachynski, on how you can use AI

Things I’ve Said No To Recently And Don’t Feel Guilty About
July 28, 2023

Saying no is challenging, and to be honest, it made me feel like a failure. But I'm here today to tell you that if you want to say no to the same things I've said no, the world doesn't end. You might
