Latest Episodes

The Unlimited Self
January 18, 2024

Ra, returns back to the studio for yet another impromptu conversation, armed with the question of.. What would you be if you knew that you had no limits?? Where would you go.. what would you do? Armed with Love, truth and Self Awareness; Just who will

Brenda's 60th -Heavenly Tribute
November 01, 2023

October 1, 1963.. 60 years ago the Angel, Brendalyn "BG" Grant was sent our family and this planet with such a special package. Her package was the Gift of Love and everywhere she traveled, others received it in abundance. In 2007, this Earthly Angel was

June 21, 2022

Ra shares a series of candid yet seriously, in depth conversations with other men about the one topic that men cannot run away from, FATHERHOOD! Be prepared to laugh at times, but please listen closely to the wisdom these men shared here within this epi

WHAT IS LOVE (A Sacred Masculinity Perspective)
June 01, 2022

Ra, returns back to the studio for an impromptu personal conversation, seeking to inform the beautiful women of the world that as Men, we also has something to important to say around the with Subject of Love.  Explained from a sacred Masculine point of v

May 25, 2022

BLACK SILENCE- THE POD SERIES Vol. 1:Is the first installment to this 3 part Collection Series.. Ra is joined in the studio today for a much needed conversation about RACISM and the unnecessary SILENCE that it continues to hide in broad daylight within

MINDSET MONDAYS- A Mothers Day Tribute
May 09, 2022

Mindset Mondays, is a segment of the BRIEEF Podcast aiding our valued listeners with necessary PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT tools and information from various men & women within the industry. Our hope is that the information shared will inspire, spark &

Zion's 20th Birthday Salute
April 30, 2022

April 30, 2002.. The Earth gained a new being .. a new wave .. a new face of God .. our son Zion Grant was born. Today.. 20 years later.. its your 20th BORN DAY as you would say "adult double digits." This episode is a tribute from a proud father.. a man

MINDSET MONDAYS- Being Extraordinary
April 11, 2022

Mindset Mondays, is a segment of the BRIEEF Podcast aiding our valued listeners with necessary PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT tools and information from various men & women within the industry. Our hope is that the information shared will inspire, spark &

March 13, 2022

Ra returns back to the studio with.. THE POWER TO RESET. This episode speaks on the exercising the ability of ending whatever is no longer working in your favor or in the support of ones peace of mind. Crtl + Alt + Delete= RESET | Delete: delete /d

MINDSET MONDAYS- "Gazelle vs Lion"
September 27, 2021

Mindset Mondays, is a segment of the BRIEEF Podcast aiding our valued listeners with necessary PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT tools and information from various men & women within the industry. Our hope is that the information shared will inspire, spark &
