

Latest Episodes

Rubio was destroyed in the Debate
February 07, 2016

Rubio was destroyed in the Debate

Vote Trump
February 06, 2016

Vote Trump

Ted Cruz win Iowa
February 02, 2016

Ted Cruz win Iowa

Without Donald Trump the Fox News Debate lost half the audience
January 30, 2016

Without Donald Trump the Fox News Debate lost half the audience

Vote Trump
January 28, 2016

Vote Trump

Support President Trump
January 27, 2016

Support President Trump

Donald Trump has already won the election
January 25, 2016

Donald Trump has already won the election

Are the Oscars Racist?
January 22, 2016

Are the Oscars Racist?

13 Hours the movie should force Hillary to drop out of the Presidential Race
January 18, 2016

13 Hours the movie should force Hillary to drop out of the Presidential Race

Donald Trump won the debate and Election
January 15, 2016

Donald Trump won the debate and the Election
