Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

Breaking Free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone

BF 08: The Gift that you are

March 23, 2015

Are you unsure of what makes you different? Have you contemplated that your uniqueness is your greatest gift?

Do you question the significance of the value you believe you can offer?

For all heart centred entrepreneurs,  business owners or corporate refugees on the discovery and transition into a life that reflects your purpose and vision. Welcome to this Podcast episode! It's all about being of service and adding massive value while experiencing a sovereign life and receiving abundance created from integrity and authenticity.
Join Jon Low and Nicolas Perrin on another epic adventure on "The gift that you are."
For those of you who don't know Jon Low, Jon Low designs philoso­phies, frame­works, brands, mes­sages, sto­ries and books – to inspire human beings to mate­ri­al­ize their heart-felt aspi­ra­tions, and to allow them to go from cre­ative con­cepts to func­tional constructs.

As an Entre­pre­neur, Brand Strate­gist, Writer, Coach, Trainer and Speaker, Jon has over twelve years of expe­ri­ence in the per­sonal growth space. He has con­sulted and coached 100s of indi­vid­u­als, to reach into the essence of who they are, and express their brand mes­sage with clar­ity and impact.

This Podcast explores a different perspective of what it really means to break free from the 9 to 5 comfort zone.
Jon and Nicolas explore the questions at the top AND delve into:
1) How to get clear on what’s important to you – when you are clear, the market gets clear on you too.

2) Realising that the culmination of your life’s experiences are already of value – whether in a job or your own business. You must honour them. What you dis acknowledge in your past, will dissolve anything you aspire to create in the future.

3) Life is a journey and most people who have a vision embark on an epic adventure. It’s not about the destination but rather the journey and who you become on the journey.

Don’t get swayed by the fads and social expectations of the ‘entrepreneur’, ‘spiritual’, ‘new age’ and ‘alternative living’ trend, which might cause you to aspire towards a goal that you don’t want, but think you ought to have.

This Podcast includes insights, exercises and ways for you to contemplate and receive further clarity on the next steps of your journey.
Featured on this show:
If you'd love to stay in contact with Jon Low you can find him on

If you'd love to stay connected with Nicolas please go to: Pop in your Name and email address in the opt in box, where I share an easy and powerful video series on the pathway to finding your purpose AND some of the key obstacles to address and be aware of as you progress down your journey.

If you feel you received awesome value then I'd like to ask if you can share this Podcast with your friends or people who could benefit from it or to donate an expression of appreciation in the form of money.

50% of all donations will be offered to a Non for profit organisation called Vipasanna that gives people the opportunity to meditate and free themselves on a donation basis. I personally attended one of their sittings and I feel moved to give back to the wonderful work this organisation is going for the world.

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I'd love to learn from you in the comments below if you have clarity of the gift that you are and where you are on your journey?
