The Brad Bogner Show

The Brad Bogner Show

Latest Episodes

Episode #224: Gabriel Urza
January 13, 2016

Brad Bogner, Gabriel Urza, All That Followed, Book, Author, Writer, Basque, Fiction, Spain, Crime, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show

Episode #223: Chris Field, Katharine Mach
December 30, 2015

Brad Bogner, Chris Field, Katharine Mach, Climate Change, Paris, Global Warming, Environment, United States, China, Earth, COP21, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show, Stanford, Science

Episode #222: Nick Berardini
December 23, 2015

Nick Berardini, Brad Bogner, Killing Them Safely, Documentary, Film, Movie, Taser, Issues, Politics, Safety, Police, Civil Rights, Cops, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show

Episode #221: Jonathan Kirshner
December 16, 2015

Jonathan Kirshner, Brad Bogner, Urban Flight, Author, Writer, Professor, New York, Novel, Fiction, Bruce Springsteen, Gerald Ford, Politics, Government, Journalism, History, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show

Episode #220: Antony Loewenstein
December 10, 2015

Brad Bogner, Antony Loewenstein, Disaster Capitalism, Author, Hillary Clinton, Filmmaker, America, United Kingdom, Politics, Government, Haiti, International, Afghanistan, War, Finance, Current Events, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show,

Episode #219: Helen Phillips
December 01, 2015

Brad Bogner, Helen Philips, The Beautiful Bureaucrat, Books, Author, Writer, The Brad Bogner Show, Podcast, Government, Murakami, Kafka

Episode #218: Matt Lewis
November 24, 2015

Brad Bogner, Matt Lewis, Last Man Off, Author, Writer, Books, Antarctic, Fish, International, Survival, Ocean, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show

Episode #217: James Shapiro
November 18, 2015

Brad Bogner, James Shapiro, The Year of Lear, William Shakespeare, Books, Author, International, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show, MacBeth,

Episode #216: J.S. Law
November 11, 2015

Brad Bogner, J.S. Law, Tenacity, Thriller, Books, Novel, Author, The Brad Bogner Show, Danielle Lewis Series, Submarines, United Kingdom, Podca

Episode #215: Judith Viorst
November 04, 2015

Brad Bogner, Judith Viorst, Wait For Me, Books, Author, Writer, Poems, Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, Libraries, Marriage, Relationships, Podcast, The Brad Bogner Show
