Missouri Cannabis Conference ★ 009

April 28, 2014
Missouri Cannabis Conference brings cannabis reform leaders to the Heartland

The MU chapters of NORML and SSDP, in partnership with Show-Me Cannabis Regulation, hosted the Spring 2014 Missouri Cannabis Conference. The conference featured many speakers, including several grassroots activists from across Missouri. Amber Langston has been a cannabis activist  Marijuana Policy Project Communications Director Mason Tvert, was the keynote speaker. During the conference I had a chance to sit down with three of the event’s speakers and get more details on what’s happening in Missouri and around the country when it comes to legalizing cannabis.

My first guest is Amber Langston. Amber was involved in passing Columbia’s 2004 marijuana decriminalization ordinance while a student at Mizzou. She currently is a board member of Show-Me Cannabis Regulation and is the executive director of Women Against Prohibition, an organization dedicated to promoting women in politics and ending marijuana prohibition. Amber discusses a number of bills at the state level that have been seeing an encouraging amount of support. You can find links to these bills below:

MO SB 951 – Allows medical marijuana for medical use and provides that it shall be taxed at 8 percent of the purchase price

MO HB 2054 – Removes industrial hemp from controlled substance list and legalizes cultivation

MO HB 2238 – Allows the Dept. of Agriculture to grow industrial hemp for research and use high-CBD extracts to treat epilepsy


Next I talked with Sgt. Gary Wiegert, a 34-year veteran with the St. Louis Police Dept. and current lobbyist for both the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition and Show-Me Cannabis Regulation. Gary and I revisit the bills above that are active in Jeff City and talk about his journey from beat cop to pro-legalization lobbyist and the difficulties he’s had to face from the St. Louis Police Dept. for taking an unpopular stand on sounder drug policies and actively lobbying state legislators to help move these bills along. Gary extended an invitation for any Missourians that would like to talk to their elected representatives at the state capitol. If you would like to visit Jeff City as a citizen lobbyist, feel free to contact Gary via email or phone:

email: gary.wiegert@stlouisteaparty.com

phone: (314) 562-6494


The episode ends with Mason Tvert, Communications Director for the Marijuana Policy Project, founder of Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER) and co-directer of the successful Amendment 64 campaign that legalized cannabis use in Colorado for adults 21 and older this past November. Mason talks about how important it is to focus on direct action, using carefully thought-out and highly visible political demonstrations and press releases to further your message. We talk about his recent protest at the Colorado Governor’s Mansion as an example. We also talk about SAFER and Mason explains his success in changing minds coming almost completely from circulating the simple fact that marijuana is safer than alcohol.

You can follow Mason on twitter @MasonTvert

Thanks to MU NORML, MU SSDP and Show-Me Cannabis Regulation for organizing and hosting such a great event! I encourage everyone to find them on Facebook and Twitter using the links below and get involved in changing drug policy for the better!

Facebook: MU NORML | MU SSDP | Show-Me Cannabis Regulation        Twitter: MU NORML | SSDP | Show-Me Cannabis Regulation

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