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BookGoodies Podcasts

Audio Book: The Big Stinky City by Jason Deas

March 18, 2014


For as long as he can remember, eleven-year-old Mash has felt trapped in a city he despises. Mash feels like he is surrounded by a zillion people and noise at all times. The city is suffocating him.

Unfortunately, life at home with his mother is even less tranquil. She’s always drinking her “special drinks†and acting a fool, prompting Mash to escape further into his obsession with all things aeronautical. If only he could fly away from it all…but not before the upcoming air show—the air show that may change his life forever.

When Mash crosses paths with Juniper, an eccentric artist who once dumped 10,000 rubber duckies over Niagara Falls, Mash becomes an unwilling accomplice to the most spectacular art stunt Juniper has ever conceived. A project so cataclysmic and daring, it puts Mash’s entire life at risk.

As the opposite worlds of Mash and Juniper collide, the unlikely duo meets for an unexpected event and a surprise ending that will have you cheering for them both.

Targeted Age Group: 9-12

Genre: Chapter Book

What was your inspiration for this book?

For most of my adult life I have worked with underprivileged children. These kids have the same hopes and dreams as all children do, and I have seen many of them achieve amazing accomplishments. This is a book about overcoming the odds and following your dreams.

When you wrote the book did you know you were going to offer it as an audio book?


Why did you decide to produce an audio book?

A few of my author friends were going through the process of turning their books into audio. The creativity of bringing the characters to life in a different way piqued my interest.

How did you choose the reader for the book and the production company?

I listened to voices and samples for days. It was one of those things where as soon as I heard Mr. Barnes’ voice, I knew he was the right fit.

If someone is thinking about creating an audio book, what advice would you give them?

Work with a professional.

What else would you like to share with readers about your audio book?

The narrator, Andrew Barnes does an amazing job with different voices. Even though I am the author, as I listened I became lost in the magic of his voice and the story.


Author Home Page Link

Link To Buy Audio Book On Amazon

Link to Audio Book for sale on Audible

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