David Boles: Human Meme

David Boles: Human Meme

Latest Episodes

Human Meme Special Edition: Google Gemini Music
February 08, 2024

Today, we are celebrating the release of Google's new AI Bot: Gemini. Our test of Gemini today was musical. We asked Gemini to create the lyrics for two songs for us this morning. What you will he

How a Writer and Editor Overcame Bias to Inspire a Literary Renaissance
February 08, 2024

In a quaint, bustling town known for its vibrant literary scene, there lived a diligent writer named Thomas and his editor, Mr. Eldridge. Thomas, a man of simple but profound thoughts, wrote stories t

Revelation: Unveiling Hope Amidst the Apocalyptic Vision
February 07, 2024

The Book of Revelation, a moog of prophecy and apocalyptic visions, stands as a testament to the enduring human quest for meaning in the midst of chaos. Written during a time of intense persecution fo

The Quest for the Golden Keywords
February 06, 2024

Once in the digital kingdom of Weblandia, there was a thriving website named EverGrow. This site was a vast repository of knowledge, stories, and resources, but it was lost in the endless sea of onlin

Cat Heads in Space! Episode 15: "The Nebula of Nine Lives"
February 05, 2024

In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, our intrepid Cat Heads, Captain Whiskerfluff and Lieutenant Mittens, along with Skeedootle, the ever-enthusiastic Puppy Head, journey through the stars. Their q

The Depth of 'Expect Horses, Not Zebras' in Life and Decision-Making
February 04, 2024

The provenance of this saying -- When you hear hoofbeats behind you, don't expect to see a zebra. -- lies in the mid-20th century. Dr. Theodore Woodward, a professor at the University of Maryland Sc

The Complex Truth About Lies: Unraveling Deception in Society and Culture
February 03, 2024

In this episode, we will explore the multifaceted nature of lying. From the personal fears that drive individuals to deceive, to the strategic manipulations of governments, we'll examine the motives a

Young Willa Cather: Writing the Braided Prairie
February 02, 2024

Not too long ago, but in a place far away in the rolling prairies of Nebraska, a young girl named Willa Cather grew up under the vast, open skies. Her life was not just a story of growing up in the Am

Navigating Randomness: Embracing Life Beyond Reasons
February 01, 2024

In a world often seeking order and meaning amidst chaos, the idea that there's a predetermined plan for each of us provides a sense of security. But what if this security is a mirage, masking the true

Shadows and Silhouettes: Navigating the Depths of Unrequited Love and Loneliness
January 31, 2024

In literature, unrequited love has been a driving force for narrative and character development. Consider Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." While not a classic case of unrequited love, the dynamics be
