Blue Streak Science Podcast

Blue Streak Science Podcast

Latest Episodes

092: Gabriela Montejo-Kovacevich
December 13, 2018

The best in science communication tells a compelling story, and this week we have a great one! Gabriel Montejo-Kovacevich joins us to talk about her research in Central and South America studying butterflies of the genus Heliconius, also known as...

091: Fourth National Climate Assessment, and more
December 08, 2018

A year ago we were in shock and disbelief in the days after the Tubbs Fire in Northern California incinerated our neighborhood, and our home. One year later and that scene of apocalyptic devastation has been replaced by a community coming together and...

090: Get Out the Vote for Science!
October 18, 2018

On This Week’s Show Cosmonauts make emergency landing after Soyuz rocket malfunctions Big Bird Misbehaves and eats a Neanderthal Child Stephen Hawking's final science study is released Increase In Cases of Rare 'Polio-Like' Illness in the US We...

089: Rage Screaming for Science!
October 11, 2018

There were many interesting science stories this week, but none more important than the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 1.5˚C Report. This may be one of the most important news stories of our lifetimes. Our government's failure to recognize...

088: Nobel Prize Week Begins!
October 04, 2018

Last week it was the fun stuff, but this week it's that most serious of awards ceremonies, The Nobel Prize Awards. Sophie gives us the low-down on this year's winner in the category of Medicine and Physiology. JD breaks in with a newsflash, as one...

087: Japan Threatens To Resume Industrial-scale Whale Slaughter
September 27, 2018

Science marches forward, but sometimes nations march backward. This is certainly true in recent years with my own country, and we're not alone in our reversion to a lesser form of ourselves. The government of Japan is throwing an international temper...

086: Time And Relative Dimension In Space
September 20, 2018

A slight diversion from the usual format today. But hey, do we know how to turn out a science podcast or what? Chris and JD talked about everything from cigarette smoking kids to self-administered colonoscopies. And of course, this episode was...

085: Climate Change and Hurricanes - What's the Deal?
September 13, 2018

On This Week’s Show A better late than never physics prize for 1967 pulsar discovery The International Space Station gets drilled Fishermen haul in the huge skull and antlers of an extinct elk Governor Moonbeam takes California into the future with...

084: A Leak On The International Space Station
September 06, 2018

The observation of a decaying Higgs’ Boson | Skull tunnels | Troubleshooting on the International Space Station | Rates of STD infections in the United States go way up |The Climate Lounge |Pub Quiz Science News with Nevena Hristozova...

083: Evidence of Neanderthal/Denisovan Hybridization
August 29, 2018

Seriously, an empathy expert under fire for bullying? | Mama is a Neanderthal and Daddy is a Denisovan | Earth's Quick Flippin' Magnetic Field | Ancient Turtle Had No Shell | A****** of the Month: Tokyo Medical University | Pub Quiz Science News with...
