Blue Streak Science Podcast

Blue Streak Science Podcast

041: It's Nobel Prize Week!

October 07, 2016

No, none of the Blue Streak Science team received that phone call from Sweden. But the week isn't over yet! In the meantime, we had another great episode talking about a new "3-parent" technique that circumvents inherited mitochondrial disease. We also discussed some ominous news from the Antarctic, as well as this year's Nobel Prize winners (so far). Of course, what episode of the podcast would be complete without playing the "What The Hell Was That?" game and "False Positive"? That was rhetorical, by the way. What The Hell Was That? Another week and I've again stumped our panel of experts! This one was pretty difficult, and really weird, too. And the answer is...what? You think I'm going to tell you here? Stop it. You're killin' me! No way! You have to listen to the podcast for that! Blue Streak Science Roundup Join us as we have a lively discussion on the science news of the week. This week we talked about: Mitochondria World's first baby born with new 3-parent technique The team of John Zhang from the New Hope Fertility Center in New York traveled to Mexico City to assist a Jordanian couple who carry a rare mitochondrial mutation, Leigh Syndrome, which is a fatal disorder that affects the developing nervous system Scientists may have solved a key riddle about Antarctica — and you’re not going to like the answer A new study co-authored by Rob Deconto of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and David Pollard of Pennsylvania State University describes a new ice sheet model of Antarctica that predicts that the continent can melt and raise sea levels by nearly a meter, on its own, during this century. Nobel Prize! Yoshinori Ohsumi, a biologist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, won this year’s Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his work uncovering how cells break down and recycle old materials — a process critical for keeping cells healthy. False Positive, the science game with the disconcerting name! Congratulations to both Sophie and Tom for also getting the correct answer! Amazingly, Ivy's weekly "stab in the dark" failed to find its target this week. You think you have what it takes? Give it a try! This episode of Blue Streak Science Podcast comes to you from Santa Rosa, California; Cambridge, England; Sydney, Australia, and Washington, D.C.
