Blue Streak Science Podcast

Blue Streak Science Podcast

039: Introducing "Science Roundup"!

September 26, 2016

Opening Word We're back! After an extended hiatus the Blue Streak Science Podcast has returned. We still have listener favorites the What The Hell Was That game and False Positive. But we've shelved the Blue Streak Science News and are hitching up the News Roundup! Sure, we're a little rusty, but we're itching (chafing?) to get back on the saddle and on down the trail.  Yee-haw! What The Hell Was That? Today's science sound is a tough one. Do you think you have what it takes to identify it? Give it a try. Have a listen! Blue Streak Science News Roundup Eureka! I have found it! Or, Eurekalert! Where the hell is it? The news release service known as Eurekalert, was subject to "an aggressive attack" by hackers beginning on 9 september. This site is administered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, or AAAS, the publishers of the top-tier journal “Science”. The hack wasn’t discovered until 11 September and by then the damage had been done. User id’s and passwords were compromised. As a result of the hack, Eurekalert was taken offline on 11 September. On 18 September in an offline notice Eurekalert said, “significant progress has been made toward a full recovery. The entire Eurekalert system environment has now been rebuilt, and we have subjected it to multiple rounds of cyber-security testing to ensure that it meets the highest standards of security.” As of Monday, 19 September the site was still down. Scientists Watch as Bacteria Evolve Antibiotic Resistance From Science News on 8 September, scientists watch as bacteria evolve antibiotic resistance. A giant petri dish coated with variable concentrations of antibiotics is allowing scientists to view e. Coli as they adjust to ever higher levels of antibiotics, reports microbiologist Michael Baym in the 9 September issue of Science. The freakishly large petri dish was more than a meter long instead of a standard palm-sized dish. The researchers created a gradient of antibiotics on the plate with low concentrations at the edges, and increasing as you go toward the middle of the plate. They then put the e. Coli at each end of the plate, sat back, placed wagers and watched the race unfold before their eyes...over the next week and a half. Arctic Summer Sea Ice Melts to Second Lower Level Every Recorded From New Scientist on 16 September we learn that, coming out of the planet’s hottest August in recorded history, Arctic sea ice has melted to the second lowest level on record. This, despite a relatively cool summer up there – and the loss of ice may already be having ecological consequences. Measurements taken by the Snow and Ice Data Center in the U.S. found that levels of Arctic sea ice tied 2007 for the second lowest on record. Again, this was with a relatively cool summer in the arctic. With more typical warmer conditions, the Arctic could see very dramatic losses of ice in the coming years, the scientists warned. False Positive, the science game with the scary name! Ivy scores a whale of a victory! You think you know all about whales? Give it a try! Announcements We have a new live streaming show! It’s called the Blue Streak Science Cafe’, or just Science Cafe’. It will be hosted on the Smiletime live streaming platform on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday mornings, 7AM to 8AM (PDT), beginning on 3 October. The best part is that I’m being joined by a new host! Nevena Hristozova, a molecular biology graduate student from Sofia, Bulgaria, who is now studying in Brussels. I can’t wait to get that started! But wait, there’s more! Next week we’re welcoming a new host to this very podcast! That’s all i’m gonna tell you about that! That’s right, a cliff hanger. You’ll have to tune in next week to welcome our awesome new host. This episode of Blue Streak Science Podcast comes to you from Santa Rosa, California; Cambridge, England; and Sydney, Australia.
