Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

Homegrown Solutions for a Patchwork World - The Skills, Talents, and Mindsets of Changemakers

It's All about the Journey!

May 11, 2021

About the AuthorPatricia Talbot( CEO and Co-Founder )Patti cultivates homegrown changemakers prepared to step into their power and work with others to create the world they want to live in.  Get in touch to find out how you can grow the social changemaker in yourself and those you serve with Blue Roads Changemaker YOU. 

I met CJ Peterson, our special guest in this episode of the Blue Roads Changemaker Series, through a “matchmaking” service for podcasters.  When she was kind enough to interview me for her podcast “The Journey is Real” about my work to cultivate homegrown changemakers (airing in late June), we got to talking afterward about her own work as a Changemaker.  C. J. generously agreed to be a guest for the Blue Roads Changemaker Podcast so that my audience could learn about her work as an award-winning author, blogger, podcaster, and publisher working to change the world with her own unique voice while supporting the work of others as well.  Her ongoing efforts to share her message in a variety of forms also includes work with youth and a self-sustaining farm project.  Tune in below via the video, the written summary, or the podcast.  Choose one format – or enjoy all three!

Homegrown CJC.J. calls herself an “Army brat” because her dad got an “engraved invitation” to that branch of the service.  I take that to mean he was drafted into the U.S. Army while both her grandfather and husband served in the U.S. Navy.  She’s proud of her family’s history of service that allowed her to get a broader perspective of the world while living all over the United States as a child.  Alongside the geographic changes that come with military service, she takes pride in her family and her deep Texas roots. “If anybody asks me what ‘country' I’m from, I say TEXAS!  We’re proud of Texas!” She’s also deeply grounded in the Christian faith that has guided her every step of her life.  C.J. framed our conversation around her multiple, but overlapping, roles as a blogger, author, publisher, and podcaster, all focusing on the theme of “journeys” in one way or another.Solution Focused CJWhether she’s writing books or blog posts, talking with her podcast guests,
