Zen Dude Fitness: Helping Ambitious People Get Ripped And Stay Consistent

Zen Dude Fitness: Helping Ambitious People Get Ripped And Stay Consistent

How Conor McGregor Uses His Ego to Win

January 25, 2016

In many of the personal development and spiritual communities out there people talk about the ego like it’s a bad thing that needs to be destroyed, but here at Zen Dude we’re going to push back. We believe that your ego is nothing more than your sense of self worth and can either serve your best interest or sabotage you depending on how you use it. Today we breakdown how Conor McGregor uses his ego to win fights and how he has learned to develop a healthy ego that serves him. The goal is for you to learn from Conor in this episode, so you too can use your ego to achieve your goals in fitness and life.
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Want to dig deeper into this topic AND transform your body? Join us in the zen dude coaching program by going to offer.zendudefitness.com/coachme and entering your name and email. We’re launching this bad boy on Feb 1 and will give you the official heads up when it’s time to join!
