Introvert Kingdom Coaching

Introvert Kingdom Coaching

Latest Episodes

Can we hang out? ""
July 24, 2015

My sister asked me, "can we hang out this Monday?" I texted her this: 

Extrovert-life Burned Me & How I Got Out
July 06, 2015

Hello there, Introvert! Can I share a story with you? I was living the life of an extrovert. Fueled by a "busy-high." You know, a busy-high is when you're high on busyness. You can keep running as long as you don't stop. Exciting. Enticing. Exhausting

Let Me Be
July 06, 2015

Hello, Introvert! Do you ever wish everyone would just "let you be" for a while? It's not that you don't love your people. You love them fiercely.  But you need space to just BE, alone.

Unleash Creativity
July 06, 2015

Hello! Warmest of warm welcomes to Introvert Kingdom, from me, Corri! Thank you for reading! You're here because you love nature, peace, creativity and introspection. (Yes?)  People have been asking, “What IS Introvert Kingdom?” Great question
