Introvert Kingdom Coaching

Introvert Kingdom Coaching

Evan the Extrovert: "People are my espresso!"

December 29, 2015

In the spring, my awesome little bro AJ came to visit me in Victoria, and
brought his friend Evan. (These two lads travelled to Tofino and learnt to
surf too).

Just planning for their visit, I got socially tired. Groceries were bought
for two hungry eighteen-year-olds, spare beds set up in the living room

At last, the day dawned: 

AJ and Evan arrived.

While my little sister Allyssa caught up with AJ in the living room, Evan
came and helped me with lunch.

“How are you,” I asked, “you guys had to get up at 3 am for the flight,
right? You must be wiped!”

“I was tired on the flight,” Evan admitted, “but when we landed . . . 
