Introvert Kingdom Coaching

Introvert Kingdom Coaching

Unleash Creativity

July 06, 2015

Hello! Warmest of warm welcomes to Introvert Kingdom, from me, Corri!

Thank you for reading!

You're here because you love nature, peace, creativity and introspection.

People have been asking, “What IS Introvert Kingdom?” Great question. I'll
start by telling a story about why I started Introvert Kingdom. 
* * * * * * * * * * *
As a kid, I was ridiculously creative. I made up stories and wrote poems in
careful print and dreamed and read and read and read.
But somewhere along the way, I got really anxious. Came home from Grade 2
classes with terrible headaches. Ended up getting homeschooled (thanks,
mum; you rescued this introvert).
Into my twenties, I knew I was wildly creative, but I kept getting
stuck expressing it. Ideas coming outta my ears, but few results.
Tinkering, not finishing. So frustrating. Arghhh! Ton of potential, no
meaningful outcomes. (You know how this feels?)
I finally broke through.
What did it take?
