Biz On Your Terms TV

Biz On Your Terms TV

Destroying Your Opportunities in Business with a Reality TV Mindset [BizOnYourTerms #39]

October 23, 2013

If you have watched any reality TV recently, it would be hard to not notice a popular trend of how to think about a huge opportunity. Those who fare better on the reality TV shows are those who are grateful for the opportunity and are committed to trying their best, but know if it isn’t meant to be that there are always other opportunities that will come along the way. They are learning a lot and getting much needed skills for what comes next.

That same mindset works better for a small business owner. It relieves the pressure of one deal, one campaign, and one company, allowing you to actually perform better in those instances. The more “opportunities will come attitude” also makes room for you to fall more into the right place for you and your company for the long term, and to ride out the inevitable waves of hit and miss without drowning.

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