The Birth Ease Podcast

The Birth Ease Podcast

005 How You Can Support a Grieving Family

October 02, 2019

Episode 005: In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, Michelle shares that 1 in 4 women have experienced pregnancy or infant loss. Because of the silence surrounding loss of a child, it can cause the necessary grieving to to be a lonely and isolating experience. Even if you, as the listener, were blessed to have never personally experienced perinatal loss, the chances are quite high that you know someone that has. The silence surrounding this type of loss can leave us unsure of how to really support grieving families, which can sometimes lead to well-meaning comments inadvertently cutting a grieving parent to the core. Michelle shares best practices and helpful ways to support families experiencing the devastation that perinatal loss brings.

“It is time to break the silence surrounding pregnancy and infant loss so that families are no longer grieving alone.” —  Michelle Smith


Connect with Michelle Smith:



Instagram: @birtheaselosssupport

YouTube: Birth Ease

Show: Birth Ease

Episode references:

Handouts and materials from Gary Vogel, LMT and Bereavement Services: Resolve through Sharing
