Visual Friends Radio - The Visual Facilitation Podcast

Visual Friends Radio - The Visual Facilitation Podcast

Combination of Graphic Facilitation with NLP (Part 1/2)

July 24, 2017

Antonio Meza is born in Mexico and have been drawing and sketching his whole live. He started his career as a cartoonist animating stick figures between 2 key frames across the screen. He moved to Paris where he studied communication science and became a trainer and coach for neurolingoistic programming (NLP).

In the first part Antonio introduces you into NLP and the science behind language patterns, body language and our eye movements. We clarify misunderstandings about NLP and talk about coaching contracts and the right coaching setting in general.

Antonio experience in coaching made him the perfect match to illustrate a book about success factor modelling which turned into the illustration of three books around the subject.

We talk about graphic recording using digital tools like iPad and ask the million dollar question about his favourite iPad app for graphic recording on an iPad.

From here we give an introduction into symbolic thinking which we have decided to split the podcast into an extra episode about symbolic thinking.
