Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Big John and Ramblin' Ray 60

Latest Episodes

Larry Kudlow from CNBC talks about Donald Trump's press conference
January 12, 2017

CNBC contributor and a Trump adviser, Larry Kudlow, joins the show to talk about yesterday's Donald Trump press conference.

Eli Lake from Bloomberg talks about Trump's cabinet confirmation hearings
January 12, 2017

Eli Lake from Bloomberg joins the show to talk about the on-going confirmation hearings for Trump cabinet picks.

U.S. Representative Peter Roskam talks about Donald Trump's press conference
January 12, 2017

U.S. Representative Peter Roskam joins the show to talk about yesterday's Donald Trump press conference and the confirmation hearings for Trump's cabinet.

John & Ray in 60 - 1-11-17
January 11, 2017

Recapping President Obama's final address last night. Jeff Sessions was grilled for hours at his confirmation hearing. CNN's John Berman talks about the upcoming Donald Trump press conference. Plus, is it a good idea to use shotguns to clear ice fro...

Rick Jacobsen is an Oswego man who is fed up with vandalism at his local veteran's memorial
January 11, 2017

Rick Jacobsen is a former Marine and a native of Oswego who is offering a reward for who is vandalizing Oswego's veteran's memorial.

CNN's John Berman talks about the recent report about Donald Trump and Russia
January 11, 2017

CNN's John Berman joins the show to talk about the recent report about Donald Trump that Russia may use as blackmail.

Andy Shaw from the Better Government Association talks about his battle against Rahm over emails
January 11, 2017

Andy Shaw from the Better Government Association joins the show to talk about his victory over Mayor Rahm Emanuel concerning the release of his emails.

John & Ray in 60 - 1-10-17
January 10, 2017

Tonight is Obama's farewell address as President of the United States. Jen returns from her wedding. Brian Todd from CNN talks about the future U.S./North Korea relationship. Plus, Ziff Sistrunk talks about his vigil for Rod Blagojevich.

Jordan Fabian from the Hill talks about what we should expect for day one of President Trump
January 10, 2017

Jordan Fabian from the Hill joins the show to talk about Donald Trump's first day as President of the United States.

Ziff Sistrunk talks about the vigil he's in charge of for Rod Blagojevich
January 10, 2017

Ziff Sistrunk joins the show to talk about the vigil he's running this afternoon for Rod Blagojevich who's in year five of a fourteen year sentence.
