Big Impact

Big Impact

Latest Episodes

Dr Alan Goldhamer – Therapeutic Fasting
February 20, 2017

..”so as far as your brain’s concerned, eating those foods is a good thing because it makes you feel good, the problem is that its an artificial stimulation of dopamine, much like alcohol or cocaine, it can lead to addiction where

Former Pro Surfer and Quicksilver CEO Bruce Raymond – on Big Waves, Food Deserts and Heart Disease
February 13, 2017

Welcome back to the Big Impact Podcast! Bruce Raymond is my guest today, the champion Australian surfer, former CEO of the iconic surf brand Quicksilver and the recent convert of the plant based diet. I had the pleasure of spending a

Former Pro Surfer and Quicksilver CEO Bruce Raymond – on Big Waves, Food Deserts and Heart Disease
February 13, 2017

Welcome back to the Big Impact Podcast! Bruce Raymond is my guest today, the champion Australian surfer, former CEO of the iconic surf brand Quicksilver and the recent convert of the plant based diet. I had the pleasure of spending a

Dr Renae Thomas – on Preventative & Lifestyle Medicine
February 06, 2017

Dr Renae Thomas is a recent graduate of medical school at Monash University in Australia. Having completed an internship at True North Health Centre in the United States and her medical degree in a hospital based campus, she is extremely

Dr Renae Thomas – on Preventative & Lifestyle Medicine
February 06, 2017

Dr Renae Thomas is a recent graduate of medical school at Monash University in Australia. Having completed an internship at True North Health Centre in the United States and her medical degree in a hospital based campus, she is extremely

Chef AJ – Exploring Food Addiction
January 30, 2017

Known for her high energy, amazing culinary skills and insight into the complexities of food addiction, Chef AJ effectively transformed herself from ‘Junk Food Vegan’ to ‘skinny bitch’ (as she puts it). Having grown up in a household of foods laden with

Dr Kim Williams – on Reversing Heart Disease
January 23, 2017

In today’s podcast, I sit down with Dr Kim Williams to get his thoughts and opinions on Reversing Heart Disease using plant based nutrition. Dr Williams is the Chief of Cardology at Rush University in Chicago and was the President of the

Ben Chisholm – The ethical argument for veganism
January 16, 2017

Sitting down today with my husband Ben for an episode of Real Life Plant Based Families. You know what’s funny, I thought I would have known everything he was going to say. I thought I knew his story pretty well

Josh LaJaunie – From 180kg to running ultra marathons
January 09, 2017

I still remember the day when I first listened to Josh LaJaunie being interviewed on the Rich Roll Podcast. I was hanging out the washing on my hills hoist (Australians will appreciate this) and I actually sat down on the pavement, right in the

The 7 day (plant strong) Rescue Diet- with Rip Esselstyn
January 02, 2017

What perfect timing to be interviewing Rip Esselstyn this week. The Texas Fire Fighter we all know and love from the documentary Forks Over Knives, generously shared his time with me today to talk about rescuing your health in just 7 days.
