Bible Learners Corner

Bible Learners Corner

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God’s Appointed Times (Part 2) - Discerning End-Time Signs - Mystery Year 2022
October 14, 2022

Jesus Christ's will appear again soon. It is to happen at such a time when there shall be many things happening just as it was in the days of Noah... Jesus said: "But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." [Matthew

The Resurrection of The Dead | Jesus Christ Died For Our Sins
September 11, 2022

Jesus Christ is The Resurrection and Eternal Life for all humanity that are dead in sin and unrighteousness. We therefore, need to receive abundant life through accepting the free gift of mankind's salvation.   Jesus Christ died for our sins accordin

God’s Appointed Times (Part 1) - A Day Is Coming Soon
September 11, 2022

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens [Ecclesiastes 3:1].   Gods Appointed Time(s):    1. CREATION [THE BEGINNING and FALL of MAN at Eden]  2. REDEMPTION of MAN AT CALVARY &nbsp

BLM Gospel Breaking News - Unity of Human Race Through Oneness with Jesus Christ
May 14, 2022

Unity of human race through oneness with Jesus Christ This oneness of Gods people in union with Christ can be demonstrated through the Church of Christ; everything is seen in the light of Christs Love, sacrifice, forgiveness, grace and purity 

Daniel 12 Last Days Knowledge Increase in this fallen world |There are Deceptions on this Last Hour | Do Not love the world
May 13, 2022

But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Beware of Antichrist Deceivers...For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ a

Worshipping God the Father in Spirit and in Truth (Part 2) | God's Word of Truth & The Holy Spirit
May 08, 2022

True worshippers must worship God the Father in Spirit and in Truth [John 4:23-24]. If people are not prepared to worship God our Father in heaven, it means that they are worshipping idols (Satan). Jesus Christ is the Truth. He is the Way, He is the Truth

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things (Part 6) | Mystery of Supernatural Things | Understanding The Supernatural
April 27, 2022

Behind the seen natural things are the unseen supernatural things. The supernatural things are hidden: they are invisible; or they are unseen; they are spiritual; they are real and eternal.It is important to have good understanding of the mystery behind

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things (Part 5) | Mankind's 5 Known Natural Senses
April 27, 2022

Mankind has five known natural senses; the eyes for sight seeing; ears for sound or hearing; tongue for taste; nose for smelling; and the body nerves - for touch or feeling.The natural or seen things originated from the supernatural - unseen things. In

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things (Part 1) | Eternal Heavenly Kingdom and Temporary Earthly Kingdom - Understanding the Supernatural (Spiritual) things
April 15, 2022

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things:  The Eternal Heavenly Kingdom and Temporary Earthly KingdomThings including the heavens, the earth (the worlds) and all that is in them. The natural [seen] things originated from the supernatural [unseen] .

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things (Part 2) | Mankind's Body - Understanding the Supernatural (Spiritual) things
April 15, 2022

Comparing Natural and Supernatural Things: Mankind's BodyThings including the heavens, the earth (the worlds) and all that is in them. The natural [seen] things originated from the supernatural [unseen] ... [Hebrews 11].Just as there are natural things,
