Beyond Picket Fences

Beyond Picket Fences

Latest Episodes

Episode #115: Black Advocacy, w/ Lindsey Alcy
September 14, 2022

We are thrilled to have Lindsey Alcy back at our table this week. In this week’s episode, Lindsey discusses her recently awarded prestigious grant. This grant helps her further her passion for black a

MM81: Releasing Negative Energy, a guided meditation w/ Holly Kline
September 12, 2022

Welcome to Meditation Mondays brought to you by Beyond Picket Fences. Today, Holly Kline leads you through a guided meditation you can use all week to stay calm, focused, and grounded. Holly Kline is

Episode #114: Letter For My Wife: This Shook My Mormon World, w/ Kassie Jensen
September 07, 2022

We are honored to have Kassie Jensen back at our table this week. In this episode, Kassie walks us through the document that opened Kassie’s eyes. Letter for my wife

MM80: Growing Your Roots, a guided meditation w/ Holly Kline
September 05, 2022

Welcome to Meditation Mondays brought to you by Beyond Picket Fences. Today, Holly Kline leads you through a guided meditation you can use all week to stay calm, focused, and grounded. Holly Kline is

Episode #113: Talking about Sex…with Our Kids, w/ Abbey Smith
August 31, 2022

We are honored to have Abbey Smith back at our table this week. In this week’s episode, we discuss talking about sex with our children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Abbey is a digital pastor, s

MM79: New Moon Meditation, a guided meditation w/ Holly Kline
August 29, 2022

Welcome to Meditation Mondays brought to you by Beyond Picket Fences. Today, Holly Kline leads you through a guided meditation you can use all week to stay calm, focused, and grounded. Holly Kline is

Episode #112: Self Reflection Series: Empaths & Sensitive Souls w/ Stacie McCoy
August 24, 2022

Stacie McCoy is back again!!! Stacie joins us to talk about empathy and sensitive souls. Stacie is a compassionate divorce and co-parenting life coach with more than 25 years of professional family su

MM78: Spirit Animal, a guided meditation w/ Holly Kline
August 22, 2022

Welcome to Meditation Mondays brought to you by Beyond Picket Fences. Today, Holly Kline leads you through a guided meditation you can use all week to stay calm, focused, and grounded. Holly Kline is

Episode #111: Purity Culture is Fear and Shame Culture, w/Abbey Smith
August 17, 2022

We are thrilled to have Abbey Smith at our table today! Abbey is a digital pastor, storyteller, content creator, and heretic who talks on the internet about life post evangelicalism, healing church ha

MM77: Angel of Light, a guided meditation w/ Holly Kline
August 15, 2022

Welcome to Meditation Mondays brought to you by Beyond Picket Fences. Today, Holly Kline leads you through a guided meditation you can use all week to stay calm, focused, and grounded. Holly Kline is
