Beyond Picket Fences

Beyond Picket Fences

Episode #119: My Journey with an Eating Disorder, w/ Kassidy Baird

October 12, 2022
We are honored to host Kassidy Baird’s story this week. Kassidy is a 26-year-old Utah native, wife, and bonus mom. She is a firm advocate of self-acceptance, body neutrality, and the belief that ice cream has a separate stomach compartment. She is in recovery from atypical anorexia, bulimia, and religious trauma and knows (and accepts) that recovery is a life-long process. She enjoys thrifting, hiking, reading, brunch, theatre, and spending quality time with her partner and fur babies. Her worst days in recovery are better than her best days ever were in her disorders.

Check out her blog: The blog is rarely updated but goes into detail about her experiences with disorders and self-harm:

She can also be found on Instagram @kassid_eh
And Twitter @kassid_ehb23

Eating disorder hotline
(800) 931-2237
Monday—Thursday 11am—9pm ET
Friday 11am—5pm ET

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Podcast music:  – PURPLE PLANET Music

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