Latest Episodes

May 13, 2020

How does a young black man from Baltimore, Maryland become a conservative activist? In this episode I interview Wayne Dupree, an unabashed Trump supporter who has a message for America. Wayne is the host of the Wayne Dupree Show.

May 06, 2020

Should we be buying from those companies who share the same beliefs that we do? Glenn Story, the Co-Founder of Patriot Mobile, owns a company that supports life, liberty, freedom, and opportunity. In this episode,

April 29, 2020

Kathy Barnette is a homeschooling mother, media personality, and former finance professor who is now running for Congress. Growing up as the daughter of a pig farmer, Kathy now uses her experiences to inspire others to live the life of their choosing.

April 22, 2020

In this episode I interview a distinguished medical doctor who explains how our treatment of the coronavirus (Covid-19) differs dramatically from how we have handled past pandemics. Dr. Kelly Victory is a board-certified trauma and emergency room speci...

April 15, 2020

What do you and your family need to know to protect yourselves from the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Almost daily we get conflicting information about what we should do. In this episode, I interview Dr. Ming Wang, an ophthalmologist in Nashville,

April 08, 2020

Let’s talk about the constitutional rights of religious institutions during the Coronavirus pandemic. And then there is the pending Supreme Court case of Espinoza v. Montana. My guest Alan Reinach is the executive director and general Counsel of the Ch...

April 01, 2020

In this episode, I interview former House Representative Diane Black about current issues affecting our nation. Diane has over 40-years of experience in the healthcare field and she served member in the Tennessee state senate,

March 25, 2020

In 2000, John Tang and a group of Chinese Americans started The Epoch Times in his Atlanta, Georgia basement. It is now a worldwide, multilanguage newspaper either sold or distributed free in 35 countries. In this episode, I interview Dana Cheng,

March 18, 2020

How much do you know about the U.S. Constitution? Do you view it as a document mostly for constitutional lawyers and judges? In this episode of Be the People, I interview Paul Engel. Paul is the man behind a project named the Constitutional Study.

March 11, 2020

Critical Theory (CRT) is a divisive ideology that has left academia, seeped in to K-12 schools and Christian academies, and other institutions. In this episode, I interview Monique Duson, a former advocate for CRT. Monique, who once embraced CRT,