Being Catholic Weekly Podcast

Being Catholic Weekly Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Masculine Journey
October 01, 2012

In this fascinating interview Jonathan interviews men's expert Patrick O'Connor and discovers some powerful insights into the journey of authentic manhood.

Manning Up – A Message For Catholic Men
September 16, 2012

In an age of man-boys, passivity and Playstation what does every Catholic man need to know about becoming the man he was made to be? In recent years it seems many men, both young and old can struggle to find their place in the world. What's expected of th

Sacred Sex
July 29, 2012

In this first edition of a multipart series for Cradio Jonathan looks at some of the big questions of life, love and sex.

An Interview with Dr. Gerard O’Shea
June 28, 2012

In this fascinating interview founder of BeingCatholic, Jonathan Doyle interviews Dr. Gerard O'Shea on some of the big issues in Catholic Education.

June 18, 2012

In this short video and podcast and Jonathan talks about the seven key factors that define a great Catholic school. How do you score?

Leaving behind a ‘bunker mentality’
May 22, 2012

No Catholic student will find it compelling if we are not really sure our message is worth hearing. It's time to leave the bunker!

The ultimate goal of teaching!
May 16, 2012

Teaching is a unique human activity. Find out where it gets its real energy from and why what you do really matters.
