Behind the Yard Sign | A Real Estate Podcast

Behind the Yard Sign | A Real Estate Podcast

How to Divide and Concur in Real Estate with the Johnson and Walker Team

February 06, 2023

Cassie Walker Johnson and Jeremy Johnson of Johnson and Walker have found a winning

formula to divide and concur the business of real estate. In this episode 43, you will learn the

winning combination of presenting the numbers and managing the work to put your sellers

best foot forward when listing a home.

Behind the Yard Sign is a podcast about the lives, struggles and successes of seasoned real

estate professionals. Veteran brokers share their highest highs and lowest lows and the lessons

they’ve learned along the way. You’ll find lots of tips, tricks and how-to advice on how to sell

homes for more money and in less time with Spade and Archer founder, Justin M. Riordan and

his real estate agent co host, Amy Romberg. Spade and Archer Design Agency is a home

stager serving Portland and Seattle.






