Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Latest Episodes

Kim's Convenience and "the gay"
July 14, 2019

A Canadian comedy sheds interesting light on social issues

Boots and consumerism
July 09, 2019

Are we being unpatriotic if we buy quality and care for it?

War ethics and Game of Thrones
July 08, 2019

Are there rules for unleashing your dragons?

The rise of the SJW and the end of civility
July 07, 2019

How the cell phone and bad parenting are biting us in the ass.

Wikileaks, Assange, Manning and Snowden
July 05, 2019

Where's the line between journalism and treason?

The 4th of July, and Pigweed's doubts
July 03, 2019

What should we really be celebrating?

The 30 Years' War
July 02, 2019

How a drunk saved a town from destruction

Bakery lawsuits and intolerance
June 29, 2019

Baking a cake vs. participating in an ideology

Diversity is BS
February 02, 2019

Nobody really believes in diversity

Atheists for Christendom?
February 01, 2019

Christendom has been a benefit even for unbelievers
