Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Latest Episodes

Cultural appropriation
November 04, 2019

The boys simply don't understand what this means

Ranger Danger: government in action
November 03, 2019

A funny meeting at a park makes the boys reflect on government

The Seven Deadly Sins
October 28, 2019

Are they still as deadly as they used to be? The boys discuss

P&C reveal the best news source available today
October 27, 2019

The Babylon Bee is the best way to get the real meaning of the news

Is Columbus a hero or the great genocider?
October 21, 2019

How should 21st century people judge a 15th century man?

Kowtowing to China and compromising our values
October 20, 2019

Why do the NBS, Disney and others let China bully them?

Newz & Booze: Hatred is now a virtue
October 20, 2019

Pigweed and Crowhill discuss an ugly reality of modern society

Children as eco-pawns
October 03, 2019

The increasingly disgusting trend to use children for ideologies

The "Islam is right about women" flyer
October 01, 2019

Some genius troll has exposed the insanity of the politically correct

The Hate Shortage -- supply and demand?
October 01, 2019

Why are people inventing fake hate crimes?
