Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Latest Episodes

How cool should dads be?
January 22, 2020

Dads: you make yourself ridiculous when you try to be hip

Should churches be plain or ornate?
January 17, 2020

Does sacred art add to or detract from the mission of Christianity?

The Deep State
January 13, 2020

Is it real? Is it a problem?

Useful stories that aren't true
January 08, 2020

No, frogs don't let you boil them slowly

The objectification of women
January 05, 2020

What does it mean, and is it a bad thing?

Upside Down World
December 31, 2019

The mad modern world has turned everything on its head

Who can save us from the trans madness?
December 27, 2019

Are we now required to lie about sex and ... reality?

Sowing the seeds of their own demise
December 23, 2019

When people unintentionally sabotage themselves

December 21, 2019

Is this what we pay for civilized society?

Busing by another name in Maryland?
December 18, 2019

A failed policy resurfaces in a Maryland suburb
