Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Latest Episodes

393: Democrats are the party of projection
March 05, 2024

The boys drink and review Snow Pants Oatmeal Stout by Union Brewing, then discuss how the left tends to project what they're doing on the right. (Starting at 4:00.) "Projection" is, according to Freud, a kind of defense mechanism where peo

392: Hungary and Viktor Orban's 12 points
February 27, 2024

P&C drink and review a robust porter from Smuttynose Brewing, then discuss Hungary and the political stratgies of Viktor Orban. Pigweed gives a quick historical overview of the origins of the Hungarian people and nation, with a focus on their unique

Election edition - Who will be on the ticket in 2024?
February 23, 2024

A listener wrote the show to ask for P&Cs predictions for the elections. The boys are reluctant to predict much because of all the uncertainties at this stage. #1 -- This is clearly not plan 1 for the Democrats. They hoped Kamala would get some on-th

391: The best rap song, fat swiss lesbians, back to the office, confusibles, and the "he gets us" ad
February 23, 2024

The boys drink and review Jailbreak's White Russian cream ale, then discuss five topics in five minutes. #1 -- Confusibles. The boys review some words people commonly use incorrectly. That vs. which. Farther vs. further. etc. #2 -- Swiss fat lesbian

390: How George Floyd + Covid ruined America
February 18, 2024

The boys drink and review Royal Crush from Flying Dog Brewery, then discuss how the combination of two events -- the death of George Floyd and the Covid pandemic -- made America crazy. (Starting at 3:40.) The confluence of these two events was just too m

389: Why did nation building work in some cases and not others?
February 14, 2024

The boys drink and review Red Flannel Logger from Aldus brewing, then discuss the successes and failures of nation building. (Starting at 4:50.) Why does it work sometimes and not others? Pigweed calls this the curse of the Marshall Plan. The U.S. has a

388: Five short stories by Anton Checkov
February 14, 2024

In another episode of "shortcut to the classics," P&C plus special guest Longinus review a few short stories by Anton Checkov (starting at 3:25). After a quick review of his life, they review and discuss five short stories. The Black Monk

387: The Texas immigration showdown
February 02, 2024

P&C don't usually talk about current headlines, but every once in a while an issue arises that compels comment. Hence "Nooze and Booze." Immigration has been a crisis since before Ronald Reagan and has been a top concern for voters all

386: Smart phones are a threat to society
January 29, 2024

The boys drink and review Crowhill's homebrewed extra special bitter, then discuss the problems with smart phones (starting at 3:10). Mostly relying on the work of Jonathan Haidt, the boys discuss the good and the bad of social media and smart phone

385: Dogs vs. cats -- which are better?
January 22, 2024

The boys drink and review their friend Ben's Mosaic IPA, then discuss the relative virtues of dogs and cats as pets. (Starting at 7:15.) Neither Pigweed nor Crowhill grew up with a dog or a cat, but both ended up with cats as adults. Pigweed takes t
