Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Beer and Conversation with Pigweed and Crowhill

Latest Episodes

334: Pride Month -- The most glorious month of the year?
June 07, 2023

The boys drink and review Old Blarney Barley Wine, then discuss pride month. During pride month, everyone on the planet is invited -- or rather, compelled -- to celebrate the sexual proclivities of a small minority. "It's a month that vomits ra

333: An anti-woke screed from a mysterious speaker
June 06, 2023

The boys drink and review Proper ESB, then discuss a speech against wokeness by a famous and well-known personality. The mystery speaker said things like this. The fight for equality and against discrimination [has turned] into an aggressive dogmatism

332: Sir Isaac Newton, Heretic, Alchemist, Genius
June 01, 2023

P&C drink and review That Shiz Slaps by Aslin Beer Company, then discuss the amazing life and career of Sir Isaac Newton. After barely surviving childbirth, and being abandoned by his mother when he was three, Newton avoided his parent's advice t

331: The separation of church and state
June 01, 2023

The boys drink and review a disappointing homebrew, then discuss the 1st Amendment and the separation of church and state. The well-known phrase actually does not come from the constitution, but from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist

330: Winning the argument and losing the war
May 25, 2023

P&C drink and review Haze Crafy IPA from Great Lakes Brewing Company, then discuss situations where Pigweed pointed out the craziness of a position only to find that the left doubled down on craziness. Body identity disorder is a weird condition wher

329: The Durham Report: Nooze and Booze
May 20, 2023

The boys drink a cocktail and discuss the significance of the Durham Report about Crossfire Hurricane -- aka, the persecution of Donald Trump The Federalist put it this way. Imagine someone told you that in the run-up to a U.S. presidential election, t

328: Are electric vehicle batteries good for the environment?
May 19, 2023

After a quick skit by the Ben Franklin players, Pigweed and Crowhill drink and review a French Toast stout, then discuss the production of EV batteries. The story goes that the planet is heating because of carbon emissions, so we have to move to electric

327: Western values
May 16, 2023

The boys drink and review a robust porter from Bell's, then evaluate western values. Western values developed from three major sources. * Classical antiquity * The Judeo-Christian tradition * Germanic customs Roughly speaking, "western value

326: Candide by Voltaire
May 13, 2023

With special guest Longinus, P&C drink and review Carlsberg, then discuss Candide as part of their "shortcut to the classics" series. The boys give a short review of his life. Voltaire was a pillar of the Englightenment. In Candide, Voltai

325: Michel Foucault
May 10, 2023

With special guest Longinus, P&C drink and review a Belgian saison, then discuss a few essays by Michel Foucault, who many people say was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. Longinus gives a brief biography, then the boys wo
