The Beer Report

The Beer Report

TBR 89 – Post Election Brews

November 17, 2016

We had a beer sent to us… And we drank it.
Corporate Shills?  Not us.  This is one of those rare times when we try out a beer that has been sent to Beer Report Studios.  It sounded interesting and was close enough to justify a little “pimping” by the show.  You should be able to find Linalool at any liquor depot in the Northwoods of the upper Midwest.  It appears to be readily available.  Enjoy.
As the picture implies… Politics are a key subject to this show.  But, you all should be thanking Groucho for the “post” editing.  We clocked in a show that was 70 minutes before the chopping began.  The politics of the minute were not compelling enough to listen to for me… So I sure as shit was not going to lay that on you!  Your welcome!  Just know this.  We are both Independents and hope that both sides can work together to get something done in this country!
Beers on the show:  Pearl Street Brewery Linalool, 10 Barrell Brewing Company JOE IPA, St Peters English Porter.
On the show:

Why Groucho does not shill.
Mudvayne talk until Groucho shuts CHUD down.
2016 Election Commentary.
Beer Advocate.  Shoot me now!
Podcasting makes us self righteous beer snobs?
Groucho’s Trail Repair.
Tantric?  Is that a sexual thing?
Studio A memories.
End of politics talk for the year!

Thanks to Pearl Street Brewing for donating the Linalool.  10 Barrel beer was picked up at random liquor store in Colorado.  St Peters picked up at Friar Tuck in Peoria IL.
Linalool IPA
