Becoming A Force Of Nature Podcast

Becoming A Force Of Nature Podcast

Latest Episodes

Break Through
September 10, 2019

You’re probably aware by now that life is not going to make it easy. Whatever you want to do is going to take tremendous effort, perseverance and constant discernment. - Nothing is going to be handed to you on a silver platter. And if it was,

The 3 Pillars Of Discipline
August 24, 2019

There’s a natural law out there operating in the universe… - Either you discipline yourself or sooner or later something or someone else will. - Better for you to take charge of your own discipline, than to leave it up to outside forces. -

Turn The Pain
March 17, 2019

So you’re hurting. - Hurting badly. - And it’s tearing you to pieces. - It could be your own fault. - It could be someone else’s fault. - Or just some fucked up circumstances. - But the pain is searing. - It is burning your Soul. -

Rise Again
March 02, 2019

Failure, disappointment, betrayal and defeat; they can all sting like a son of a bitch. Sometimes they can be heart crushing and leave you all but broken. And then just when you think it can’t possibly get any worse, it does. - But,

Find Your Center
February 19, 2019

There’s a place for you in this universe where you will execute from your optimal state. Everything around you could be in total chaos or everything might be just fine. It doesn’t really matter. You will be performing at your peak and handling whatever...

Become The Best Version Of You
February 02, 2019

Between star athletes, celebrities, business tycoons, the ultra rich and even very successful acquaintances, it might be tempting to feel less than spectacular about who you are. But don’t kid yourself, these are people who put their pants on one leg a...

Hold Your Ground
January 27, 2019

So you’re moving along in life. Things are better for you now. You’ve been working hard, you’ve made some decent progress and you’ve had some success. Good. - Your trajectory is headed upward and the sky’s the limit.

Do What You Know To Be Right
January 21, 2019

How’s this for a simple life philosophy: - Always do what you know to be right. - You do know what’s right. Deep down in your Core, you do know. - Simplify your life and brush everything else aside. Cut out all the bullshit.

Podcast – Find Your One Thing
December 30, 2018

Find your One Thing. Achieve Personal Greatness. Live life in the High Country. All the best, Max Panzer

Let Go And Enjoy
December 18, 2018

Time is passing. You can sense this. And you’re still worrying about this and that; every-single-day. “But these are serious concerns. You don’t understand. There’s a lot on the line here.” Of course there is. This is the nature of life.
