Ascend Podcast

Ascend Podcast

Latest Episodes

AP 179: Building a Self Sustainable Community - Tao Wimbush
November 29, 2019

Tao Paul Wimbush is the founder of the Lammas Ecovillage in West Wales. He has a wealth of experience in alternative communities. He has lived in tipi’s, yurts, roundhouses and travelled by horse-drawn wagon. He has presented the internet TV series ‘Livi.

AP 178: How Indigenous Cultures Perceive Time - Jay Griffiths
November 21, 2019

Jay Griffiths spent 7 Years journeying among indigenous cultures, including staying with Amazonian shamans and Inuit people,visiting sea gypsies and staying with the freedom fighters of West Papua. Also the Author of a book about ways in which indigenous.

AP 177: The Origin Of Yoga & Altered States of Consciousness - Matthew Clark
November 14, 2019

Matthew is a author expert on the origins of yoga and has a deep fascination with consciousness. Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - Donate - https://www.paypal.

AP 176: Opening the Doors of Perception, Synchroncity & Simualtion Theory - Anthony Peake
November 06, 2019

Anthony Peake is the author of bestselling titles The Out-of-Body Experience, The Infinite Mindfield, Immortal Mind & Opening the Doors of Perception. Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - http://ascendbo.

Observing My Thoughts 3
October 31, 2019

Topics Discussed: Travel Introspection, Balance, Community, How mind interacts with the Body, My Crazy Experience I always have new thoughts, questions, new concepts, new ideas, new philosophy's i am playing with, or toying with in my mind's so i am now .

AP 175: Buddhism, Psychedelics & Spiritual Practices - Phil Wolfson
October 24, 2019

Philp Wolfson is a Buddhist practitioner, psychotherapist, interested in Psychedelics & Spirituality. Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - Donate - https://www.p.

AP 174: Psychedelics Effects on Human Mind & Depression - Rosalind Watts
October 18, 2019

Dr. Rosalind Watts is a clinical psychologist at the Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London. The Psychedelic Research Group focuses on two main areas: psychedelic drugs in the brain and second, their clinical utility, psychotherapy, with a.

AP 174: A Man's Search For God (What He Found Instead) - Eric Maddern
October 11, 2019

Eric Maddern spent ten years travelling round the world on quest for origins, identity and god, absorbing influences from Mayans, Polynesia and Indigenous Australia. Support the podcast: Via our Patreon page - Show Notes - .

Observing My Thoughts 2
October 08, 2019

Topics Discussed: Sexual repression, Natural senses, Finding Yourself, knowledge is power, War on consciousness I always have new thoughts, questions, new concepts, new ideas, new philosophy's i am playing with, or toying with in my mind's so i am now go.

AP 173: Age of Extinction - Gail Bradbrook
October 02, 2019

Dr Gail Bradbook, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion. Extinction Rebellion is a socio-political movement with the stated aim of using civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to compel government action on climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, an.
